Tag Archives: shops

Tried a 2-piece ileostomy bag…

17 Oct

Volunteered at pre-school again this morning, was great! 🙂 Went into town this afternoon with Mum, had a drink and afternoon snack out in a cafe, had a yummy tea cooked by my Dad, went slightly hyper in the kitchen with Mum dancing away to some music then just chilled out upstairs here in my bedroom…& yes, I am shattered haha!

Doing so much better fingers crossed using the Coloplast Sensura One-Piece Drainable bags, they’re pretty much the same as the Assura ones I tried the other week before these new samples arrived. No sticking issues so far & they take more adhesive remover to get off my skin, so they are a LOT better at sticking compared to the Dansac ones I tried, they were easier to pull off my skin and would peel away by themselves! Especially if I had wind. A lot happier now I’ve found this product, on my repeat prescription it goes! 🙂

Tried some 2-piece systems over the weekend from Oakmed and Coloplast…But had leaks from both, so I’m sure I’m doing something wrong. Rang my Stoma Nurse and she’s going to give me another lesson so we can see where I’m going wrong in a few months, but for a while it’s sticking with the 1-piece Coloplast I hope, hoping it works as well as this for a longggg time!

Also, check out www.stomawise.co.uk 🙂 GREAT site for Ostomates!

Dentists tomorrow, oh yay…

Hope everyone is well!

Will post again soon 🙂 x

First trip into town with Stacey

23 Aug

So my first trip into town wasn’t too much of a success, but considering it was less than 2 weeks after my surgery i think it was pretty brave of me!

By the time Mum and I had walked from the car and half way around the first shop out of three we went in my stomach wound was pulling and hurting and all my bruised hips and abdominal area were really feeling the strain. I battled on, hobbling along, then in the third shop I had a panic attack and started to cry! 😦 my Mum took me to the cafe next door and bought me a nice cool glass of milk and some biscuits and sat and calmed me down before taking me home in the car. I couldn’t have done it without her. I’ve spent all my time in bed since I got back resting up as it really took it out of me but I’m not letting the negative experience set me back, I’m proud of my efforts 🙂 I just have learnt that it really needs to be one small step at a time! I’m just so eager to do so many things now I’m getting my life back that I didn’t have for 13 years, but I’d give everyone recovering from any sort of surgery this tip:
Listen to your body.